8001 Jeffrey Drive Sarasota, FL 34238
(941) 921-4441
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8001 Jeffrey Drive Sarasota, FL 34238
(941) 921-4441
“Orange Acres is a home that offers the kind of lifestyle you are looking for. It can be as busy and involved or as relaxed and peaceful as you wish. There is always help and information from management, activities if you want and new friends around each corner. Come be as happy as you choose!”
- Jane B.
"I have lived in Orange Acres for 20 years, and it is the best mobile home park in Florida. The office personnel and maintenance crew are the finest I ever met."
- Charlie P.
"More than a dozen years ago we were looking for a house in a warm climate to shelter us from the winter weather in the North. What we found was a home in a community; one that reminded us of those towns where we grew up. A caring, enveloping, vibrant array of people with similar backgrounds, people who cared for one another, looked out for their welfare and bonded in like enjoyments."
- Ed & Judy M.
"There are numerous reasons why we love living in Orange Acres, such as location, layout of homesites, facilities and activities. But the most obvious reason is the people; not just the residents, but also the management personnel. They genuinely have the residents best interest at heart in making their business the success that it is. With the 3rd and now 4th generation of the Warrington family involved in every day business, it makes all of the residents feel very secure in the future of Orange Acres and the success of our park for years to come."
- Bob & Cyndee S.
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